La data pour les RH (compétences, SIRH, GPEC...)

The best way to jumpstart your company's journey into AI, with training, analysis, and custom developments. Accelerate.AI is devoted to facilitate and accelerate the adoption of AI in your company. machine learning, Orange Belt, LLM, and Generative AI [voir plus]

Erudite AI
Erudite AI delivers free private tutoring powered by peer-to-peer learning and artificial intelligence augmentation. Our product ERI is the future of learning for all. Artificial Intelligence, Conversational Interface, Predictive Algorithms, Knowledge Profiling, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, Natural Language Generation, Recurrent Neural Network, and Education [voir plus]

With Stellia.ai, get instant access to relevant expert knowledge! Opt for responsible, high-performance AI, developed hand in hand with French research. With our solutions, improve the quality of work and learning of your audiences, thanks to cutting-edge technology that revolutionizes the way key knowledge is found, understood and mastered. #virtual … [voir plus]