Generative AI powered virtual assistant solutions for next generation customers. Join the futur of CX 🧞
At, we create SaaS solutions that make conversations smarter and smoother with cutting-edge technologies.
We help hundreds of companies enhance their customer experience through three main products:
🧞‍♂️ Generative AI Chatbot 👉 Reduces customer contacts by 30% within a month
👱 Livechat 👉 Boosts lead generation by 10% within a month
📊 Analytics 👉 Unlocks valuable insights from your conversations
Ready to transform your customer experience?
chatbots, natural language processing (NLP), intelligence artificielle, livechat, agent virtuel, virtual agent, Generative AI, Service Client, Relation Client, Customer Experience, Multicanal, Omnicanal, automatisation, generation de leads, taux de conversion, expérience client, support client, transformation, conversationnel, and analytics
Générative AI chatbot pour la relation client - - Generative AI powered Chatbot and Livechat solutions
Faites parler vos documents avec notre nouvelle génération de chatbot boostés à l'ia générative. Plus de paramétrage ni de maintenance.