Step inside our Knowledge Engines
Accrete delivers universally-configurable, reliable, and accurate analytical Expert AI Agents that perform work that would otherwise require teams of experts and generate insights beyond human capacity. Our vision is to create a path to ethical, reliable, and trustworthy artificial general intelligence by deploying analytical AI Agents powered by Knowledge Engines across every domain that capture and scale tacit domain knowledge and create net new knowledge reasoned from ground truth. Our mission is to enable our customers to grow in previously unimaginable ways.
Artificial Intelligence, Supply Chain Risk Management, OSINT, Unstructured Data, Social Media Intelligence, Continuous Learning, Explainable AI, Knowledge Graph, Predictive Analytics, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Generative AI, Natural Language Processing, Natural Language Generation, Semantic Search, Threat Detection, AI Platform, Composite AI, Decision Intelligence, and Found
Accrete delivers universally configurable, reliable, and accurate Analytical AI Agents to both government and commercial customers.