Synthetic data for AI. BIT-TS provides multi-modal synthetic data sets and virtual sensor solutions for AI systems.
We produce ground truth training data for future mobility.
Mobility is a shaping technological and political aspect of our century. The digitalization of all aspects of life including mobility creates chances as well as challenges. The key premise is to make traffic as safe as possible while being more flexible and fully committed to environmental protection. Therefore, we commit to increasing the efficiency of transport.
BIT provides technology that generates photorealistic meta worlds.
Based on our expert knowledge in real world 3D data treatment and AI, we have built an advanced content generation pipeline which produces the ground truth for deep learning and validation of artificial intelligence deployed in assisted and autonomous mobility systems.
Imprint: http://www.bit-ts.com/imprint/
Sensor Fusion, Digital Twins, Deep Learning, Autonomous Driving, Aviation, Computer Vision, Training Data, Machine Learning, Radar, Lidar, AR, VR, and Digitaler Zwilling
Meta worlds for AI | BIT Technology Solutions
Synthetic data for AI. BIT-TS provides multi-modal synthetic data sets to complement your autonomous AI system. We create digital twins.