batvoice AI
Turn your calls into best actions
Customer-relation departments and executive management use Batvoice to boost sales and customer satisfaction, and save costs by automating scorings (compliance & satisfaction) and coaching.
Batvoice is a unique AI that transcribes service calls content & picks-up on emotional cues to turn topics and paint points into best actions to improve results.
It's plug & play, multilingual, with a multi-sectoral approach.
voice, artificial intelligence, call-center, cloud, big data, deep learning, intelligence artificielle, centre de contacts, customer experience, ROI, machine learning, apprentissage machine, traitement du signal, speech analytics, relation client, and social interaction
Batvoice AI | Emotion & Speech Analytics pour le service client
Batvoice AI aide la relation client en CRC à gagner en visibilité sur leurs appels. Grâce au Speech Analytics, transformez la voix du client en actions et automatisez les évaluations de qualité.