AI expert system and generative AI for products' recommendation.
Qualifying customer needs through conversations.
Since 2017, NOCI has developed an AI expert system in product’s recommendation based on the understanding customer needs in context.
The integrated generative AI provides an added level of flexibility to engage in the most complex conversations in line with the diversity of customer scenarios.
The expert algorithm is dynamically enriched with associated criteria and weights to closely align with customer needs..
Interacting with your client through the conversation to secure a unified customer experience factoring the specifics of each channel. A “tailored” implementation merging naturally within your existing “technical” ecosystem.
Engage the “appropriate” conversation with your clients at each phase of their purchasing journey
NOCI enables a simplified execution for a unified customer experience.
Conseiller virtuel, Ultra-personnalisation, Expérience client, Satisfaction client, Convserion, Commerce unifié, and Recommendation produit
Déployez une expérience client unifiée - Noci.io
Accompagnez vos clients sur tous vos points de contact, durant toutes les phases de vente. Conversion, Customer care et messaging : améliorez vos KPI avec noci.io !