The "magic pen" for German texts. AI-based creations for efficient, effective messages in the best quality.
neuroflash generates the best German texts in the DACH region. The goal is for our AI technology to fully automatically generate 5 professional text suggestions on a given topic in just 5 seconds.
neuroflash uses multilingual modern language models (auto-regressive language transformers; GPT-3) to generate texts. These enormously large language models are trained with content from the web (over 1 billion texts), books or even film transcripts.
These text corpora are fed into neural networks (Deep Learning models) that are able to recognise statistical patterns in texts. This makes it possible, for example, to predict the next word in a text. This ability enables these language models to generate texts. neuroflash complements this forward-looking technology with associative analyses and thus knows which words work well with which other words, i.e. are implicitly positively associated.
The "magic pen" of neuroflash helps several times over with these components: copywriters can get ideas, but also work much more efficiently:
The trinity of text generation from idea generation, high variability in writing and optimisation of the effectiveness of messages, is solved in one software.
The "handwriting" of the user, however, remains untouched. Text content, structure and design remain entirely the responsibility of the copywriter. The convincing quality of neuroflash's AI technology can be tested free of charge and without obligation!
Werbetexte, Markensprache, Textinspiration, Werbebotschaften, Kommunikationsstrategie, Content Optimierung, Textkreation, Content Marketing, Markenpositionierung, Marketing Intelligenz, Wirksamkeit von Texten, KI-basierte Texte, Text mit künstlicher Intelligenz, Textverständnis, Textvalidierung, Textautomation, Blogpost, Social Media Post, Slogans kreieren, and Newsletter Betreffzeilen
Europe's No.1 AI text & image generator | neuroflash
Use our AI text and image generator to generate the highest content quality in 7 different languages. Content creation has never been easier!